with Christina Boyd-Smith, PhD and Anne Lippin, MD

Starts October 21, 2020 

Click the button below to schedule a chat with Christina about how you’re doing and what’s next for you.

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You don't need us to tell you that life is chaotic right now.

A global pandemic.

Working from home.

A vitriolic election.

Distance learning.

Job loss.

Uncertainty about the future.

You’ve managed. You’ve survived. You’ve cooked and cleaned and found moments of joy. You’ve cared for your kids, your parents, your neighbors.

And you’re depleted. You’ve fallen off the priority list of your own life.

There's no end in sight, and you know you can’t continue like this. You have no idea what else to do or where to turn for advice and support to help you get your work and life back on track.

Here’s the truth. A calmer, saner, happier life isn't in finding better or more efficient ways to organize your day. You'll find calm and fulfillment by shifting the foundation on which you work - your beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and structures that inform your relationships, your work and yourself.

If you’re curious about how to completely change the foundation under your work and life to find more calm, energy, productivity, and joy (especially during this challenging time) let’s chat.

YES! I Want to Chat!

Do you relate to any of these statements?

  • Life feels chaotic and uncertain, and you feel overwhelmed and depleted.
  • You make decisions from a place of fear instead of empowered choice, constantly second guessing yourself.
  • You’re simultaneously unproductive and working more than ever.
  • The ineffective patterns that have held you back for years have intensified, showing up in work dynamics and personal relationships.
  • You’re reaching for ways to get your life and work back in control and not sure how or what to do.

What's in it for you?

Starting in October, you will learn to:

  • Shake off negative patterns of thinking and behaving so you can stop holding yourself back. Your life will be easier and work more fulfilling during this stressful time and into the future.
  • Gracefully navigate uncertainty so you are confident in your ability to handle change and instability.
  • Ground yourself physically and spiritually to allow radical transformation so you can stand steady in the midst of chaos.
  • Wield your new, portable Toolbox of Skills so you're ready to take action, make choices, and be in control of your career and life.
  • Get clear about who you are and what you want, and bravely take action toward making your goals real.

The Corporate Rebel Clarity U Coaching Group will help you put work and life on your terms.

Starts October 21, 2020!

Click the button below to schedule a casual 30-minute chat with Christina.

We'll talk about what's going on in your life, develop a solution or two, and determine whether our group program is the right next step.

YES! I Want to Chat!

The results achieved by last year’s Clarity U group tell the story well…

"I needed to make some changes for myself. Through the meetings, exercises and group support, I dug in deeper than I thought I could. I changed my thinking to be my best self which resulted in being able to leave a job that sucked my energy for one that I love. Now, I have the tools to create a new path in my thinking and actions. I am so glad I participated in this program, it has changed me in ways I never expected!"
- A.R.

"Working with Clarity U gave me insights and tools that I use on a daily basis. I tell my friends that this work has been more valuable to me than a lifetime of therapy. (And a lot more fun.) I wish I had done it 20 years ago. Christina and Anne are amazingly insightful and honest, and they are two of the warmest and most encouraging people I have ever had the honor to know." 
- E.G.

"Clarity U helped me in ways I didn't realize were possible. I use the tools on a daily basis. I took away strategies to guide me through a layoff, global pandemic and chaotic life with young children and aging parents. Christina & Anne guided me in a caring, understanding and deeply human way. I made connections that have continued past the program. The impact it has made on my life is clearly long lasting."
- A.C.

“In Clarity U, I rediscovered what I like about me, and I am creating a life as unique as I am.
- P.W.

"I use my materials every day. In fact, they are stuck to my computer. When I need to re-center, I look down, take a breath and feel like I’m safe and just fine. I give Anne and Christina a 5-star review!"
- N.J.

Meet Christina and Anne
Your Clarity U Coaches

Christina Boyd-Smith, PCC, PhD, is the Corporate Rebel Coach. With 9 years of coaching and 10 years of corporate experience, Christina's no-nonsense and spirited style has helped business leaders and teams in companies like GE, Target, Boston Scientific, Gilead, Northwestern Mutual, United Health Group, and US Bank. With her support, clients craft powerful leadership in their careers and lives, take a stand for innovative ideas, and contribute to their company’s success all while keeping an eye on the integrity of their souls and their own personal and professional goals. Christina is accredited as a professional coach by the International Coach Federation. And, she bakes a mean maple bourbon pecan pie.  

Anne Lippin, MD, is the Corporate Rebel Coach’s BFF. A strange confluence of events led Anne to medical school, and she wound up working as a family doctor in South Minneapolis. Special interests included mental health and systems-level lactation support. Anne now identifies as Home CEO, micro philanthropist, writer, and chronic volunteer. She is delighted to join Christina, representing SCIENCE. You can find Anne at annelippin.com

As the Corporate Rebel coach, Christina respects the balance between straight-forward strategy and intuitive personal development. Anne adds a dash of science to the recipe for your growth.